
29 4.7 Read the sentences. Fill in each blank with the correct number. (Lue lauseet. Kirjoita viivalle oikea numero.) 1. Maria is thirty-one years old. 2. Her phone number is oh double four, seven double three, eight five, oh one. 3. Her son Daniel was born in two thousand eleven. 4. He has a phone, too. His phone number is oh double four, three two one, double six, double nine. 5. It is eight o’clock. Daniel goes to school. 6. There are nineteen pupils in his class. 7. Maria leaves for work at eight thirty. 8. Daniel has four euros and fifty cents in his wallet. 9. Daniel buys a chocolate bar after school. The chocolate bar costs one euro twenty-five cents. example: ___ 044 733 85 01 ___ ___________ years born in:_____________ ______________________ at: ________________ __________ pupils at: ________________ ______ € ______ ct ______ € ______ ct 1, 2, 2, 3 one, double two, three