
54 8.1 Family members. Take the words from the box and write them on the lines. Remember: one person can have many roles! (Perheenjäsenet. Ota sanat laatikosta ja kirjoita ne viivoille. Muista: yhdellä ihmisellä voi olla monta roolia!) I am single. I have a girlfriend. I am married. I am divorced. I am not married. I have a boyfriend. I am not married anymore. I have one child. I have two children. I don’t have children. He has one child. She has two children. She doesn’t have children. FEMALE NAISPUOLINEN mother äiti mum, mom äiskä, äippä, mutsi wife vaimo daughter tytär sister sisko MALE MIESPUOLINEN father isä dad, daddy iskä, isi, faija husband aviomies son poika (oma) brother veli parents vanhemmat child, children lapsi, lapset