Lukuvuoden varrelta 2021–2022 Lammin lukio

LUKUVUODEN VARRELTA 2021–2022 30 Tässä maistiainen lukion ekaluokkalaisten englannin taidoista. Simo Jussila kirjoitti tämän blogitekstin ENA2-kokeessa. FAR FROM HOME In this post I will talk about my first year living abroad. How did I fit in? Would I recommend it to anyone? Was life different in the US? These questions will be answered in this post. Let’s jump back in time to the day I arrived in the US. As I walked out of the plane into the JFK airport, I was excited and a little bit nervous at the same time. Taking the bus to the college and thinking what life will be like from now on. When I arrived at the campus, I was stunned by the size of the school. It felt like I stepped in a small city!The school was obviously huge as they are in every American movie, almost 3,000 students. The athmosphere there was something else! It was very prominent in the baseball matches, where you could feel the excitement from the crowd when our school made a homerun. The first couple of days were definitely the "hardest", getting used to the campus and my roommates. Thankfully, my roommates were really friendly, and introduced me to everyone. I would say being social is a demand for studying abroad, otherwise your time there isn't going to be really enjoyable. Being the only student from another country I was obviously known by everyone after one day one. It was the time of my life, being the center of attention everywhere I went. Another reason I really enjoyed my time there was because the tests were really easy, at least compared to Finnish ones. In conclusion, I really recommend everyone to try out studying abroad. It really widened my horizons and I even made some really good friends! The initial worries about being lonely and not fitting in were gone the second I stepped in the school. You only live once, don't you? Englannin kurssien tekstejä Teksti: Simo Jussila LA21 Kuva: Wikimedia Commons